Our cancer services team have created a short series of videos to help you understand how to manage fatigue as a side effect from your cancer diagnosis or treatment.

We know that many people undergoing cancer treatment will suffer from fatigue at some stage in their journey.

Fatigue is a lasting tiredness that is not helped with rest and sleep, but it can be managed with the right approach, especially if treated early.

When fatigue is well managed, you will find that you're able to return to your pre-cancer diagnosis lifestyle much sooner.

Our team of cancer and haematology allied health professionals are here to help you understand how to manage fatigue and where to seek help to manage this condition.

Managing fatigue

Juliette is an occupational therapist with over 20 years' experience. Juliette explains what fatigue is, why we experience it, and how we can understand and manage it.

Sleep and fatigue

Ashley is a counselling psychologist and a specialist in fatigue management. Ashley explains how sleep impacts fatigue, and how you can improve your quality of sleep.

Ashley explains how fatigue affects your psychological wellbeing, and how to manage thoughts and feelings.


Charlotte is a cancer care dietitian who supports people diagnosed with cancer. Charlotte explains what food techniques can be used to ensure your nutrition helps improve your energy levels.

Keeping active

Nikki is a physiotherapist with 6 years' experience working with people with cancer. Nikki explains how and why being physically active can improve your energy levels and wellbeing.