A new charity-funded ‘Tilt-In-Space’ wheelchair is making a difference for local cancer patients

This specialist wheelchair has a tilt-in-space function that enables a person to be fully supported whilst sitting, helping patients with neurological conditions or difficulty with fatigue. This equipment offers a more comfortable experience for patients whilst they are in hospital; allowing them to socialise better in ward bays, aiding with eating and drinking whilst in bed and helping to prevent other complications such as pressure sores caused from staying in the same position for long periods.
The Oncology Therapy Team have already seen the difference this new technology can make.
“We recently worked with a patient who desperately wanted to go outdoors, to be able to go out into the sunshine and feel the fresh air. We were able to hoist them safely into the Rea Azalea and their family were then able to take them out into the garden. The patient was so grateful to spend quality time off the ward with his family and our team knew he would be safe and supported in the specialist wheelchair.” Lindsay Vickerstaff, Clinical Lead Occupational Therapist in Oncology.
“Thanks to this state-of-the-art equipment, our Therapy Team were also able to work with the patient to increase their sitting out tolerance, and alongside the help of the nursing team, he was able to progress to sitting in a regular wheelchair. We would like to thank everyone who has donated and made this all possible. It really is making such a difference for our patients and staff.”
Thank you to everyone who makes a donation to help make specialist equipment like this possible. You can find out more about how your donations are making a difference for patients here.
Making hospital life better