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Call us

The following services are managed by the Central Booking Office. The Central Booking Office opening times are Monday – Thursday 8:30am – 4:30pm and Friday 8:00am – 4:00pm.

Please call the appropriate number as required:

  • Audiology (hearing services): 0300 422 6773
  • Care of the Elderly: 0300 422 5992
  • Cardiology (heart): 0300 422 5985
  • Colorectal: 0300 422 6720
  • Dermatology (skin): 0300 422 5620
  • Diabetes and Endocrinology: 0300 422 6721
  • Dietetics: 0300 422 6872
  • Ear Nose and Throat: 0300 422 6941
  • Gastroenterology: 0300 422 5990
  • Gynaecology: 0300 422 5993
  • Nephrology (kidneys): 0300 422 6721
  • Neurology (brain): 0300 422 6877
  • Oral Maxillofacial: 0300 422 6940
  • Orthodontics: 0300 422 5970
  • Ophthalmology (eyes): 0300 422 5975
  • Orthopaedics: 0300 422 5989
  • Paediatrics (children) and Community Paediatrics: 0300 422 6949
  • Pain Management: 0300 422 5327
  • Rheumatology: 0300 422 5987
  • Thoracic (Respiratory) and Immunology 0300 422 6951
  • Upper Gastrointestinal: 0300 422 5999
  • Urology: 0300 422 5979
  • Vascular: 0300 422 6872
  • Two week wait outpatient appointments (suspected cancer): 0300 422 5981

Email us

Email us at

Please be aware that we cannot guarantee the security of any information sent via unencrypted email. If you are concerned about your personal details being visible to a third party, please do not use email.

Write to us

Central Booking Office
Unit 8, Pullman Court
Great Western Road