Date of registration

1 Jan 1991

Primary medical qualifications


Consultant Stroke Physician

Area of expertise

Dr Dutta is a consultant physician in stroke and Transient Ischaemic Attack (TIA). His parent specialties are General (internal) Medicine and Geriatric Medicine. He is the Stroke Research lead for the Trust and is the Principal Investigator of several multicentre stroke studies. His own research interests include the diagnosis and prognosis of TIA and the analysis of routinely collected data for service improvement.

Inpatient Services

Dr Dutta works on the Hyperacute Stroke Unit (Ward 6b at GRH), Rehab Stroke Unit (Ward 6a at GRH) and Ward 8A at GRH. This will change to Cheltenham General Hospital from Feb 2022.

Outpatient Clinics

His outpatient clinics include TIA and stroke clinics and are all held at Cheltenham General Hospital from Feb 2022.