Department of Immunology


  • These assays are automatically added by the lab when IgA Tissue transglutaminase (TTG) is positive, and depending on the IgA status of the patient. They will not be performed independently of a TTG, or in the event of a negative TTG.
  • IgA anti-endomysial antibody is more specific for coeliac disease than TTG. It is also present in patients with dermatitis herpetiformis. In patients with IgA deficiency IgG anti-endomysial antibody will be performed instead. This assay is referred to Immunology at Southmead Hospital.

Sample Requirements


5ml Gold-top SST tube or 3.5ml Rust-top gel tube (Trust users only)


1ml Serum Sample

Turnaround Times

21 days

Time Limit for Add-ons

2 weeks (whilst stored at 2 °C - 8 °C)