Gloucestershire Safety and Quality Improvement Academy

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Postal Address

Gloucestershire Safety & Quality Improvement Academy; Gloucestershire Royal Hospital; Robinswood House; Great Western Road; Gloucester; GL1 3NN

The Gloucestershire Safety and Quality Improvement Academy was established at Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust in June 2015.

About the Academy

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Through our courses, students are provided with the knowledge, skills, opportunity and support to contribute to patient safety and make practical improvements to the way we provide care in our hospitals.

Our aim is that our structured programmes will contribute to the development of a culture of continuous quality improvement within our Trust, where staff at all levels have the confidence to highlight areas for improvement and then have the skills, knowledge and support to be able to implement improvements.

Our Vision

To develop a patient safety aware workforce with the knowledge, skills and confidence to continually strive for safety and quality improvement and excellence throughout the Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.

Our Strategic Goals

  • To improve year on year the safety of our organisation for patients, visitors and staff and the outcomes for our patients
  • To improve year on year the experience of our patients
  • To further develop a highly skilled, motivated and engaged workforce which continually strives to improve patient care and Trust performance.

GSQIA Human Factors in Practice Programme (new for 2024)

The Human Factors faculty now offer two workshops available for all staff.

The Introduction to Human Factors workshop gives an overview of Human Factors and how it integrates with Patient Safety and Quality Improvement.

This can be followed by the Human Factors in Practice, day and a half workshop which provides practical skills and knowledge to enable staff to incorporate a human factors approach into patient safety and team performance.

Go to the Human Factors Page for more details and booking.

Do you need to raise funds for your Quality Improvement project?

The Charity team at Cheltenham and Gloucester Hospitals Charity are here to transform the experience for local patients and their families by raising funds for extra care, specialist equipment and improvements to facilities.

You can get in touch with them on email or visit

About the "Q"

Faculty members and Gloucestershire Hospitals Staff are excited to be participating in the Health Foundation Q initiative:

  • Q is an initiative connecting people with improvement expertise across the UK, led by the Health Foundation and supported and co-funded by NHS Improvement.
  • Q’s mission is to foster continuous and sustainable improvement in health and care. We’re creating opportunities for people to come together as an improvement community – sharing ideas, enhancing skills and collaborating to make health and care better.

A list of Trust staff who are members of the Q can be found in the Q directory.

Academy of Fab NHS Stuff

The NHS is full of enthusiastic, clever, keen, passionate people with a strong sense of vocation. They want to do the right thing and to do things right. The Academy is the place to share ideas about doing it right, boast about the good stuff and if you have a problem, the place to search for an answer. The NHS is so much better than it gets credit for, and is so much more efficient than people think. Let's find the good stuff and pass it on.

Is your Trust or Organisation looking for Quality Improvement training?

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If you would like to enquire about the GSQIA delivering Quality Improvement training to your staff either through access to our scheduled courses or by hosting a course at your facility, please get in touch at

Please note if your project/poster is picked by an external agency for publication, all fees would be payable from within your own department.