by Becky Townsley, Trine Jorgensen & Frances Walker

Quality Improvement Poster Dowlonad

Background & Problem

At present all allocations of pregnant women are via the GP Practice, this means that some midwives have more or less work than their hours equate. Some women do not live in the area where their GP is based.

With implementation of “Better Births” and “Continuity of Carer” each midwife needs a smaller caseload.


100% of women to be seen by a midwife and be offered initial screening tests by 10 weeks of gestation. At present Q1 63.6%, Q2 66.1%, Q3 55.2%.

Fair and equitable workload for each midwife in a localised area.

To improve current service provision for the women to enable smaller caseloads with a local midwife this should improve safety outcomes for mothers and their babies.

Improvement of KPIs by ensuring all women are seen & have undertaken initial screening tests by 10 weeks.


Site visits to a local maternity service where “Centralised Booking System” has been established successfully. Consulted with midwives and managers within our Trust.


We were unable to complete the QI as it was deemed to be too big a project for the current team. Need further “buy-in” from senior management.


We learnt that the project was too big, although a good feasible project, the appropriate team needs to be assembled. Going forward we have a proposal but we need a business case for a project manager and an administrator.

Quality Improvement Presenter(s)
Becky Townsley
Trine Jorgensen
Frances Walker
Quality Improvement Team
Becky Townsley
Trine Jorgensen
Frances Walker
Rowan Roberts
Zack Pandor