by Hayley Summers

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Our Use of Resources rating is currently Requires Improvement, it recognises how we use our finances, delivering value for money plus how we deliver on quality and performance are all equally as vital in order to deliver Best Care for Everyone.


At the beginning of this year, the department plus our Director of Finance met to discuss how we could build upon the ideas for improvement which had been previously raised at the quarterly department meetings but didn’t necessarily go anywhere. To be able to turn those ideas into actions was key!


We are focusing on 6 key areas wrapped around our campaign called Count Me In.

  1. Accreditation
  2. Training
  3. Communication & Networking
  4. Systems & Processes
  5. Leadership
  6. Personal Development & Peer Support


To better engage staff across the Trust we created a campaign called Count Me In. With help from the Finance PMO a structure and process was established. We use this at Trust events, key meetings and regularly on our Twitter account #GHFTCountMeIn. This messaging is about helping staff to gain a better understanding of NHS finances and how we can best use our resources to provide high quality, efficient and sustainable care for patients.

We are currently working through the Future Focused Finance accreditation. This process is about reflecting on what we are doing well and what we can share as well as where we can improve and learn from others. This process will help towards our goal of becoming an outstanding finance function. There are 3 levels of accreditation, levels 2 & 3 are peer assessed by other accredited finance teams across the country.


We have recently developed successful financial awareness training for all Trust staff. Attendees complete an evaluation form at the end of each session and so far (as of July 2019) 92% of our attendees said ‘yes’ or ‘mostly’ that their understanding of NHS finances has improved.

Conclusion/Next Steps

We are proud of the work we have started and there is much more to achieve in the next year! Training aimed specifically at budget holders commences September 2019.