by Isolde Newberry

Quality Improvement Poster Download

Background & Problem

The ACRT includes technicians, nurse practitioners and advanced nurse practitioners who cover 24/7 both Cheltenham and Gloucester and respond to referrals for unwell and deteriorating patients across all adult wards and departments.

Historically the team developed from an amalgamation of ‘hospital at night’ and ‘critical care outreach’. ACRT has changed rapidly over the past couple of years. Rotation through 24 hours for all staff has been introduced and daytime weekend cover is also a relatively new initiative. As a team we felt there was some confusion by service users over who we are, what we do and when and why to call.


The aim was originally to improve service users understanding of ACRT’s scope of practice.

Following an initial survey of service users it became clear that there was a predominately good awareness of the teams role, however it was apparent that the team required some internal reflection of their roles, responsibilities and departmental structure. This in turn would improve how the ACRT would be delivering a consistent approach to communication and effective promotion of the service..

Promoting the team and its service will enhance patient safety ensuring prompt referral and review of any patient who may be have an elevated NEWS2 score, deteriorating or at risk of deteriorating and may require escalation of care.


  1. ACRT Survey of service users.
  2. Satisfaction survey of ACRT members.
  3. Qualitative one to one data collection from all ACRT team members exploring themes of communication, roles, cross site working, vision statement and title of team.
  4. Changes; update intranet page (including ACRT Objectives and vision) ACRT team email.
  5. Repeat ACRT satisfaction survey post changes.


The project is still in progress. We now have and up to date intranet page and a team email which is being utilised, ongoing work includes screen saver, poster and Outline magazine article. The general feeling is that communication has improved within the team and that ongoing work remains to be done in terms of promoting the team and service.

Next Steps

Further promotion of the service via an Outline article, additional work on the intranet page, the introduction of a screen saver and a poster. Work with existing and agency staff to further develop a succinct understanding of how and when to activate the team. To gain an understanding of the potential to develop referral by patients and families.

Quality Improvement Presenter(s)
Isolde Newberry, Advanced Nurse Practitioner, Acute care Response Team