It can be a daunting prospect for patients to be left to manage their condition on their own after discharge. This page provides you with advice to help you make the most of your recent Physiotherapy intervention.

Self-management once you are discharged

• Maintain your exercises and activity levels, as stopping them is one of the main causes of increased pain and reduced function.

• Consider recording an exercise diary to keep you on track.

• Monitor your fatigue and apply strategies, as discussed in clinic, for managing, if required.

• If you feel ready, you could try and find a local exercise class, the following links might be a good place to start.

Your Circle Gloucestershire then type ‘exercise’ in the search box.

Headway Gloucestershire - they may be able to suggest some useful groups for you to join.

Before asking to be referred to physiotherapy again

Have you tried:

• Restarting some of your easier exercises.

• Reducing the number of repetitions of your exercises, with a view to building up again.

If you are suffering from pain:

• Have you asked for advice from your GP or local Pharmacist about regular pain relief?

If you are suffering from fatigue:

• Are you pacing yourself and giving yourself regular rests to manage the fatigue?

Reasons to visit your GP for re-referral to physiotherapy

  • Recurrent falls
  • Fear of falling
  • Difficulty with your transfers
  • Deterioration in your balance or mobility associated with your brain injury


Brain Injury Admin Team

Ground Floor, Beacon House

Gloucestershire Royal Hospital

Great Western Road



Tel: 0300 422 5139


Printable version of this page

Discharge from the Brain Injury Physiotherapy Clinic GHPI1741_07_22 Department: Physiotherapy Review due: July 2025 PDF, 204.1 KB, 5 pages
Reference number GHPI1741_07_22
Department Physiotherapy
Review due July 2025