This page gives you information about how to reduce your risk of falling during your stay in the hospital. Our aim is to help you keep as active and as independent as possible while in the hospital.

Reasons why you might be at risk

  • You have had a fall before
  • You have difficulty with your walking, balance or you have muscle weakness
  • You have spent a long time in bed, not moving
  • You or your relatives feel worried about you falling
  • You have a problem with your eyesight
  • You are unwell
  • You are over 50 years old

What you can do to prevent falls

  • Tell the nurse or doctor looking after you if you have fallen in the last year or are worried about falling
  • Use your call bell if you need help to move, in particular, if you need help going to the toilet
  • Make sure that you wear your glasses and that they are clean, ask for help if you have trouble seeing
  • Moving around while you are in the hospital is important in keeping you active and maintaining your independence
  • When getting up from the bed: Point and release your feet while you are in bed/ Sit upright for a few moments on the edge of your bed before standing/ Get up slowly, making sure you feel steady before walking
  • If you feel dizzy or lightheaded or unwell in any way when you stand up – STOP, SIT DOWN and let the ward staff know
  • Drink regularly and eat well
  • Please ask your relatives to bring in your normal footwear: Make sure your shoes or slippers fit well, grip well and cannot fall off
  • Use your walking aid, keep it close by and check for wear and tear on the rubber feet. Never lean on hospital furniture as it is often on wheels
  • Make sure that you have your personal belongings within easy reach and that your bed space is kept clear of unnecessary items
  • Take care when in the bathroom and toilet. Ask for help if you need assistance

What can I do to help my recovery?

  • Get dressed in your own clothes and try to sit out of bed
  • Try to keep occupied with something you enjoy doing such as reading, doing puzzles or listening to music
  • If you are able to walk to the toilet. Please use your walking aid and ask for assistance if you need it


These exercises aim to keep you active, maintain your independence and reduce the risk of you falling.

Start gradually, aiming to do as many as you can within

30 seconds. You can vary the exercise throughout the day, you do not have to do them all at once.

If you can stand safely on your own or with help:

If necessary, hold on to your frame, chair, or bed for support:

  • Stand up, then sit down slowly. If possible, try not to use your hands.
  • Heels and toe raises
  • Slow marching on the spot
  • Mini knee bends

If you are unable to stand safely by yourself:

  • Straighten and bend your knee, pointing your toes toward the ceiling
  • Arm raises
  • Heel and toe raises

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GHPI0927_10_22 - falls leaflet Department: Physiotherapy Review due: October 2025 PDF, 1.7 MB, 4 pages
Reference number GHPI0927_10_22
Department Physiotherapy
Review due October 2025