My dad had cancer for 10 years and was in and out of hospital, I was always amazed by the compassion, care and empathy the nurses offered not only my dad but the whole family. I saw these nurses as my role models. I vowed to offer the same care, dignity and respect to all the patients under my care.

Asma is an Admiral Nurse (Dementia Nurse Specialist) who works across both main hospitals.

Asma Pandor: BHM Portrait


Degree in Human Biology, Degree in Adult Nursing

A bit about me

I was born and bred in Gloucester but my family originate from India. I love football and cricket. I love Westlife (guilty pleasure). I have 2 beautiful children, Yakub and Ammarah.

Career path

HCA - Student Nurse; Staff Nurse on AMU (Kings College London); Staff Nurse on ACUC (CGH); Ward Sister on CoTE (GRH); Ward Manager on CoTE (GRH); Admiral Nurse

What was your first nursing job?

AMU in Kings College London

Why this specialty?

AMU was my last placement as a student nurse and I thoroughly enjoyed it, I gained a wealth of experience after looking after people with a wide range of conditions.

What obstacles have you faced and overcome?

I've applied for a number of roles and been unsuccessful. It can be easy to dwell on the negatives and become disheartened but I have always tried to turn it round to a positive, reflect, learn and move on from each obstacle. I'm now in my dream job supporting people with dementia and their families and I couldn't be happier.

What role, if any, do you think that race has played in your career progression?

It's not always been easy, I've sadly had people not talk to me because based on my appearance they feel I won't understand English or won't 'fit in' with their team.

Did you have a mentor or role model?

I have a few nurses who will be always be role models who have supported me and nurtured me and I will be forever grateful to them.

Do you have any tips for interviews and career progression?

  1. Be honest
  2. Be yourself
  3. Research the area you are hoping to work
  4. Meet the team prior to the interview
  5. Apply for jobs in areas you have a genuine interest or want to learn more about.

What qualities are essential in your position?

Patience, Kindness and Compassion

Why Gloucestershire?

I was born and bred in Gloucester and I’m proud to be a Gloucestershire Nurse

Please sum yourself up in 3 words or phrases

Kind, trustworthy and supportive