I developed an interest in nursing through my experience of being a mother. It always made me happy to see my children being comfortable, healthy and happy, which is something that has expanded to the people that I’ve met. I believe my natural gift of giving care and helping people are perfectly suited to nursing.

Emma is a Parkinson’s Disease Specialist Nurse



Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing

Why did you choose the nursing profession?

I always treat people with dignity and respect, irrespective of their colour and being, which I felt was perfect for all the different people you meet through the work. Being a nurse is rewarding and not necessarily about the money.

Career path

In my current role as a Parkinson’s Disease Specialist Nurse, I run clinics. To benefit patients, I am working my way up to doing a prescribing course in the future as part of my job role.

What was your first job?

I was a teacher - overseas

Why this specialty?

Parkinson's Disease is a particular area of interest for me.

Can you outline your plans for the future?

In the future, I will continue to inquire about job opportunities and prepare adequately towards them. I’ll also look out for career pathways and take advantage of every learning opportunity available.

What obstacles have you faced and overcome?

I have experienced some discrimination and negative feedback, which has had an impact in my emotional wellbeing. However, positive feedback from some colleagues, patients and their families, as well as clinicians, outweighs the negatives and are a source of motivation for me to continue with my passion for my chosen career.

Did you have a mentor or role model?

I joined the Trust in 2013 after my nursing training at North Wales Bangor University. I received a very warm welcome by my then Ward manager Lin McCall who treated me with respect. She was approachable, hence I always looked forward to coming to work and doing extra shifts when the need arose.

Do you have any tips for interviews and career progression?

My advice is that one should enquire more about the job, arrange a visit to discuss further, follow the interview skills approach and make adequate time to prepare and practice. Importantly, take the time to look in the mirror and develop positive body language and a good facial expression .

What qualities are essential in your position?

Being a good communicator is important, along with having good interpersonal skills. You should have good time management skills and be flexible in order to be more reliable, while also being forward thinking.

Why have you chosen to work in Gloucestershire?

My family moved to Gloucestershire due to my spouse’s job transfer.

Please sum yourself up in 3 words or phrases

Enthusiastic, empathetic, approachable.