I completed my nursing training in the Philippines in 2012 and moved to the UK in 2016. I’m very interested in digital technologies and have always been passionate about learning.

Kyle is a Professional Education Manager



BSc in Nursing; Critical Care Course – level 7; Postgraduate Course in Academic Practice

Why nursing?

Nursing is such a fulfilling profession. It’s a privilege to care and provide at least a pleasant experience even in the most difficult times for patients and their families.

Career path?

Student nurse > Neurocritical and Surgical Intensive Care Nurse > UK Critical Care Nurse > Professional Education Practitioner > Professional Education Manager

Why this specialty?

Education is an opportunity to develop and support our workforce. Facilitating lifelong learning is essential in healthcare practice.

Can you outline your path to promotion?

After I completed my critical care course, I did my Band 5 clinical teaching role. I thoroughly enjoyed teaching and got a job in Professional Education. I’ve been leading on the Preceptorship programme, completed my teaching qualification and have pushed for quality improvements in our services. The experience and skills I gained helped me prepare for the education manager role.

What obstacles have you faced and overcome?

Going straight into a specialist area as a newly registered nurse was a huge learning curve. The other challenge was adjusting to UK nursing practice. Despite my experience as an international nurse, I felt like I was a completely new nurse and had to learn the different ways of working, culture, and language, as well as coping with the feeling of being away from family.

What role, if any, do you think that race has played in your career progression?

Coming from a different background, I am very appreciative of how amazing the NHS is. It has inspired me to progress in my career and contribute more to the service.

Did you have a mentor or role model?

Yes, definitely. It was inspiring to meet role models who were also from an ethnic minority background. They represented the possibilities of what I could achieve regardless of my background.

Do you have any tips for interviews and career progression?

A job interview is a 30-60 minute opportunity to showcase your experience, education, skills and values. Preparation is key to leave a strong impression and impact on your panel.

Career progression starts on your first day. Always keep your best foot forward and strive for high standards of practice. Also be a magnet for opportunities to build on your personal and professional development.

What qualities are essential in your position?

It’s important to have a vision to work towards and bring the team along with that vision. Strong organisational skills, people skills and quality improvement are key to leading and managing an education team.

Why Gloucestershire?

I came to the county as I had family here. I then got to know the tight-knit community and now have my closest friends here. Gloucestershire is now my home.

Please sum yourself up in 3 words or phrases

Accessible. Creative. Compassionate.