My sister with special needs inspired me to take up nursing because I wanted to be her health advocate.

R-phine is a Ward Manager working in Care of the Elderly



Bachelor of Science in Nursing

What has your career path been?

I worked as a nurse in the Philippines for 5 years, Overseas Nurse and Band 5 in Ward 3A, Band 6 in Frailty Assessment Unit, Interim Band 7 in Frailty Assessment unit

First Job?

I was a customer service representative in the Philippines for Orange Telecommunications.

My first nursing job was as an cardiac ancillary nurse in the Philippines, I used to check patient’s pacemakers and ICD and perform cardiac exercise tolerance tests.

Why this specialty?

It was pre-allocated prior my deployment here in the UK. Elderly people will always have a special place in my heart because working with them reminds me of the love and care I received from my dear grandparents.

What obstacles have you faced and overcome?

Cultural differences, I learn to overcome this obstacle by engaging more with different people from various backgrounds.

Do you have any tips for interviews and career progression?

Before an interview, make sure you are very familiar with the area, do shadow shifts.

Stay motivated and exceed your goals. Make sure that you are well equipped with knowledge, experience, training and credentials before you apply. Find an area of speciality that makes you happy and excited to come to work.

What qualities are essential in your position?

Commitment to patient advocacy, willingness to learn, critical thinking, flexibility, dedication

Please sum yourself up in 3 words or phrases

Cheerful, Caring, Committed