I'm a registered nurse from Kerala, India. I came to the UK in 2004 and I'm now settled in Gloucester with my family. I chose nursing as my career path because I have always enjoyed helping people

Shincy is a Band 6 Infection Prevention and Control Nurse


Career path

I have over 20 years of experience in variety of areas including acute medicine, Surgery, ITU, Respiratory and Cardiology. I’m currently working as an IPCN since June 2022, which I am enjoying very much and proud to be a part of a hard-working team.

First Job

Staff Nurse in DG Hospital Bangalore-India

Why this specialty?

Infection control is vital to the wellbeing of people who need care and support. Being part of the IPC team, I can ensure that healthcare associated infections are prevented and where unable to prevent infections, we can put control measures in place to minimise the spread of infections.

What obstacles have you faced and overcome?

There are many challenges I have faced throughout my professional life. I’ve had some experience of poor treatment and less consideration from people, but I’ve handled well with my calm nature and effective communication.

Did you have a mentor or role model?

Yes, there are a few people who have inspired me, motivated me and encouraged me to realise my potential. They were not perfect, but they have worked through the issues and been successful.

Do you have any tips for interviews and career progression?

Be confident, step out of your comfort zone and take a look at the opportunities available to you. Demonstrate that your aspirations align with the Trust’s vision and goals.

What qualities are essential in your position?

To be proactive and confident. Communicate effectively with your patients and colleagues. To have sufficient knowledge to make decisions and give advice to other staff.

Why Gloucestershire?

I relocated to Gloucester from Taunton in 2019 when my son was admitted to grammar school. I am now well settled in Gloucester and I’m proud to say that I am a Gloucestershire IPCN.

Please sum yourself up in 3 words or phrases

Resilient, Hard worker, Kind.