Embracing my ethnicity and accepting that I am unique and can make a difference has been important for me. I treasure my journey and I am also not afraid to challenge practices to create a meaningful change.

Catherine is a Band 6 Ward Sister



Bachelor of Science in Nursing

Why did you choose the nursing profession?

I love nursing. I have always wanted to be a Nurse.

Career path

From a Student Nurse, I became a Staff Nurse on A&E, Surgical Ward, Medical Ward in the Philippines. I then travelled to Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates and worked as Staff Nurse in a Female Medical Ward then moved to A&E. I ventured to London, UK in 2000 and started as a supervised practice Band 2 before being promoted to Band 5 and then Band 6. After starting my family in Gloucester, I got the job as a Band 5 here and was promoted to A Band 6 Sister's post.

What other areas are you involved in?

I am passionate about training and getting involved in other areas; I am Co-Chair of the Ethnic Minority Council at the Trust and am also a TRIM Practitioner, Peer Supporter, and Overseas Buddy. I have completed the Stepping Up, NHS Leadership Academy Programme and am a Florence Nightingale Windrush Leadership Scholar. I have also worked on Quality Improvement Projects with GSQIA

What obstacles have you faced and overcome?

I have faced lots of obstacles along the way. The most important for me is to never give up, be resilient, always be willing to learn and improve. It’s also important to br positive, fair and just, show understanding and be kind and compassionate.

What role, if any, do you think that your race or ethnicity has played in your career progression?

I embrace my ethnicity and the perspective it gives me. I have gained learning and opportunities from my scholarship in the Florence Nightingale Foundation and from the Stepping Up Programme and NHS Leadership Academy and understand that I have to go out there, contribute and share that knowledge and skills. As Co-Chair of the Ethnic Minority Council, this had helped me develop my confidence and apply what I learned in my journey to progress.

Do you have a mentor or role model?

Yes, I have a few role models and they worked here in this Trust.

Do you have any tips for interviews and career progression?

Yes, please attend the interview sessions study days offered by the Trust; dates are in the intranet. Be confident and believe in yourself.

What qualities are essential in your position?

Good communication skills, willingness to learn and improve, knowledge and skills, be proactive, listening skills and caring.

Why have you chosen to work in Gloucestershire?

I love Gloucestershire, its people, its sense of peace and beautiful scenery. The workplace and community have a lot to offer, it’s family friendly, with great work-life balance and development opportunities.

Please sum yourself up in 3 words or phrases.

Compassionate, caring and willing to learn.