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You may get a sore mouth, ulcers or general sensitivity. Mucositis is the term given for inflammation and ulceration which can happen in the mouth and continue through the body.

Oral hygiene advice:

  • Brush your teeth/dentures at least twice a day using a soft toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste
  • Rinse your mouth with water after eating, to remove any debris
  • Use an alcohol-free mouthwash
  • Gargle with a salt water mouthwash 4 times a day. Using one teaspoon of salt to one glass of tepid water
  • Drink plenty of fluids
  • Keep your lips moist
  • Use a saliva substitute, if your mouth is dry. Saliva substitutes are available from local pharmacies.

Call the Acute Haematology Oncology Unit (AHOU) if you are experiencing:

    • Are feeling unwell with a sore mouth/throat
    • Have a sore mouth and a temperature
    • Have difficulty eating or drinking
    • Have difficulty swallowing
    • Have redness, swelling, soreness, ulcers or white patches in your mouth or on your tongue
    • You are passing less urine than normal
    • You are concerned with any changes in your mouth or have signs of an infection

Find more information about mouth care and cancer at Maggie's.