Feeding your baby in the first few weeks can be very rewarding but this can also be a stressful time

it can take a while to feel confident about breastfeeding, but you're not alone. Your midwife and health visitor are there to help, guide and support you. There is lots of help and support available, including the NHS Start for Life website.

The first 2 weeks

Low milk supply or just normal baby behaviour?

Information from the Association of Breastfeeding Mothers (ABM) about Low milk supply

Breast compressions to help breastfed babies with slow weight gain

Real baby milk


How you can help support a breastfeeding Mum, video by Dr Amy Brown

Should babies sleep through the night? Video by Dr Amy Brown

2-6 weeks

The importance of relationship building:

Vroom app:

Vroom – an app that helps you bond with your baby, delivering daily science-based tips to your phone to help you build your baby’s brain

Feeding on the move:

Information from ABM

Common feeding hurdles: if breastfeeding is painful

Correct positioning and attachment should resolve nipple pain but if it continues throughout a feed, please seek support

Association of Breastfeeding Mothers (ABM)

Flat nipples

The video below explains how to put on a nipple shield