

  • The information given here is intended for use by healthcare professionals.
  • Please see Lab Tests Online-UK for more general advice, links and background
  • Hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) is used as the primary test for acute or active Hepatitis B infection
  • Additional tests are performed on new Hepatitis B surface antigen positives.
  • To determine immunity status after Hepatitis B vaccination, please request hepatitis B surface antibodies
  • In the case of sharps/exposure incidents, same day testing of the source patient's blood is available. Please advise the laboratory. Suspected infectious hepatitis is a notifiable disease: Notifiable disease form.
  • This test is part of the following viral screen sets:

Sample requirements

Serum - paired samples not required

8.5ml of blood taken into a plain gel tube

Gold top with cap

Required information

  • Relevant clinical details
  • Date of onset
  • Jaundice, abnormal LFTs
  • For sharps/exposure incidents state whether source or recipient and date of exposure
  • Suspected past exposure to Hepatitis B


Store at fridge temperature

Transport as soon as possible at ambient temperature

Turnaround time

3 - 5 days

Same day for sharps/exposure incidents