by Hazel Williams, Debbie Mumford, Lisa Land & Emma Ross

Winner of the Best Quality Improvement Project

Quality Improvement Poster Download

Background & Problem

The National Maternity Review identified a vision for Maternity Services across England for them to become safer, more personalised, kinder, professional, and more family friendly. Every woman should be able to access care centred around her individual needs and circumstances. It was proposed that staff be supported to deliver Women Centred Care during the Antenatal, Intrapartum and Postnatal periods that provides safer care to women and families. This in turn then impacts to reduce still births and pre-term births.


20% of women by March 2019 within Cheltenham being booked under the Continuity of Care Model at Aveta Birth Unit . These women then being cared for in labour by a known Midwife whom they have met at least once during their pregnancy.


  • A PDSA Cycle was devised with a plan of action and a Driver Diagram created of a proposed Care Pathway to be implemented during the project to meet our aim.
  • Baseline data was collected through audit to identify our current level of continuity antenatally and postnatally in order to compare this to the Continuity Model once established, to determine if improvement has been achieved.
  • Engagement of Birth Unit staff and training to ensure effective knowledge of all additional aspects of care to be provided.
  • Cascading of plan to community staff and appropriate referral of women to the Continuity Model.
  • Continual audit to identify of we are fulfilling our aim.
  • Audit locally to identify if the Model of care has impacted locally on still birth and prem-birth figures.
  • Audit view of women of their experiences.


Until women booked under the Continuity Model reach delivery we are unable to assess how effective the model is. Benefits Envisaged:

  • Increased satisfaction for women and their families.
  • Increased job satisfaction for Midwives.


  • Share data when available locally with the team, managers, Trust and Better Births Team.
  • Promotion of the service.

Quality Improvement Presenter(s)
Hazel Williams
Debbie Mumford
Lisa Land
Emma Ross
Quality Improvement Team
Hazel Williams
Debbie Mumford
Lisa Land
Emma Ross