Midwifery workshop
Due to the sensitive and personal nature of maternity and women’s services, work experience opportunities at Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Trust are very limited.
But our midwifery workshops will give you an insight into what it’s really like to work in our maternity services. Our midwives host a taster workshop in spring and autumn, which offers:
- information about midwifery and birthing equipment
- the chance to speak to midwives
- a tour of the maternity department
If you’re interested in attending a workshop, please click on the Eventbrite link when it becomes active to book your ticket. Places are offered on a first come, first serve basis.
Midwives do not offer work experience placements, but you can try contacting some of the following for more information:
- community midwives
- antenatal classes
- health visitors
- GP practices
- private hospitals
- nursery schools
- children’s hospices, like Acorns
- charitable organisations, like the James Hopkins Trust