An endoscopy is a test to check if your tummy is healthy. This page explains what to expect when you come for your endoscopy.

What is an Endoscopy?

An endoscopy is a test that checks if your tummy is healthy.

A small camera on a tube is put into your mouth, and goes down to your tummy.

An endoscopy is done at a hospital, but you can normally go home on the same day.

A doctor or nurse will tell you what will happen before your appointment.

Before you have an Endoscopy

You must stop eating 6 hours before your appointment.

You must stop drinking milky drinks 6 hours before your appointment.

You must stop drinking clear fluids 2 hours before your appointment.

Clear fluids include water, lemonade, black tea and coffee.

Having nothing to eat or drink is very important.

If your tummy is not empty, you could choke.

If your tummy is not empty, the doctor might not be able to see it clearly with the camera.

What happens at my appointment?

You will be given a spray to stop the camera from hurting your throat.

The doctor or nurse might put a thin tube into the back of your hand.

Medicine will be given to you through this tube.

The medicine will make you feel sleepy.

You might not remember much about your appointment because of this medicine.

You will be asked to lie on your side.

The doctor will put the camera in your mouth and down your throat.

Air will be blown into your tummy and it might make you burp.

This is normal, so don’t feel embarrassed.

If it feels strange or sore you can ask the doctor to stop.

After your appointment

You might feel sleepy after your endoscopy.

Make sure someone you trust can take you home.

You must not drink alcohol on the same day as your endoscopy.

If your endoscopy is at Gloucestershire Royal Hospital:

You can call the Endoscopy Department on 0300 422 8295.

The Endoscopy Department is on the first floor of the Outpatients Unit at Gloucestershire Royal Hospital.

If your endoscopy is at Cheltenham General Hospital:

You can call the Endoscopy Department on 0300 422 3371.

The Endoscopy Department is on the first floor of the Oncology Centre at Cheltenham General Hospital.

If you have a learning disability and need extra support, you can call the Learning Disability Liaison Nurses on 0300 422 4953 or 0300 422 4985.

Ask 3 questions

If you are asked to make a choice about your health, you may have lots of questions you want to ask.

You might want to talk to other people about your choices.

It can help if you make a list of your questions and take it with you to your appointment.

To begin with try to make sure you get the answers to these 3 questions:

  1. What are my choices?
  2. What are the good things and not so good things about each choice?
  3. How do I get help so I can make a choice that is right for me?

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Coming in for an Endoscopy_Easy Read GHPI1424_04_23 Department: Endoscopy Review due: May 2026 PDF, 925.0 KB, 9 pages
Reference number GHPI1424_04_23
Department Endoscopy
Review due May 2026