Dr Preetham Boddana


09:00 - 17:00

Date of registration

4 Aug 1999

Primary medical qualifications

MBA, FCMI (Distinction), CMgr, PGCME, FRCP, MBBS

Consultant Nephrologist

Area of expertise


  • Skilled in all aspects of general nephrology, dialysis care and renal transplant management. Experienced general physician with specialist training in London teaching hospitals - Guys Hospital, St. Thomas Hospital , Lane Fox Respiratory Unit and Southmead Hospital, Bristol. Established GIM and acute consultant physician in GHNSHFT since 2009 to date.

Inpatient services:

Gloucestershire Royal Hospital

  • Management of adult patients presenting with Acute Kidney Injury, Accelerated to resistant Hypertension, ANCA Vasculitis , Electrolyte disturbances, Glomerulonephritis, Lupus Nephritis, Renal Stone prevention, Renal Transplantation issues and complications , Haemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis patients
  • Management of adult patients with acute and general medical presentations on 7th floor, GHNHSFT

Outpatient clinics:

Gloucestershire Royal Hospital

  • Monday 2-5 pm : Renal Low Clearance and Renal Transplant Clinic
  • Thursday 2-5 pm: General Nephrology OP clinic
  • Joint Renal Stone Clinic : Every 5th Tuesday in a calendar year from 9am -12 pm (4-5 clinics per year)

Medical Education:

  1. Director of Medical Education, GHNHSFT: Oct 2022-to date
  2. RCP PACES International Examiner
  3. RCP College Tutor, GHNHSFT (2016-2021)
  4. Senior lecturer for junior medicine and surgery, University of Bristol ( 2012-2016)

Healthcare management and Quality Improvement:

  1. KQUIP: SW regional lead for Kidney quality and improvement partnership (2017-2020)
  2. NICE appraiser for Voclosporin use in SLE
  3. Completed CQUIN in AKI and Home Dialysis successfully leading to publications and presentations in regional and national QI meetings


  1. Principal Investigator for NIHR trials - Prepare for Kidney Care, RaDaR Renal Registry, ATTOM study, PASS Tolvaptan Study