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If you’re a patient who smokes, our Tobacco Free Team are here to help as part of your stay in hospital.

There has never been a better time

If you are someone who smokes, consider your hospital admission as a golden opportunity to ‘Quit smoking’. We understand that it is not simple but with the right support it becomes much easier. Our expert in-house tobacco-free staff will provide you with the necessary support to make your tobacco free journey a huge success.

You are more likely to quit

Remember what you are craving is nicotine and that’s exactly what we are giving you through Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) but in a much cleaner and therapeutic form.

Quitting smoking is like a treat for the lungs. It comes with lots of benefits.

  • improved physical health and life expectancy
  • improvements in mental wellbeing
  • lowered medication doses
  • reduced financial stress.
  • reduction of health inequalities

Quitting smoking is the best thing you can do for yourself, your family and for your community. Our trained advisors can work along with you to develop a personalised plan that best suits you and give you special tips and advice on how you could quit smoking.

Smoking is now considered the largest preventable cause of death, disease and disabling illness in England. We want the best possible care for our patients, which is why we are working hard to support the government's long-term goal of developing a smoke-free generation.

Carbon monoxide (CO) testing is one method for determining how much poisonous gas your body absorbs when you smoke. Ask a member of the staff to have your CO level tested. It's a sight to behold and makes you realise how bad smoking can be for your health.

Your stay in hospital

Let’s look at the support available to you. Here’s what to expect when you come into hospital:

  1. We’ll start with a chat and ask you if you smoke, as part of our routine health check when you arrive.
  2. If you do smoke, you’ll be offered Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) to help manage any cravings or withdrawal symptoms.
  3. A member of our onsite Tobacco Free Team will visit you at the bedside and discuss the options and support available to you as part of your care.
  4. We’ll work with you to agree a treatment plan for your stay in hospital. We will also advise you on how best to use the NRT products to increase their effectiveness.
  5. If you want to stop long-term, we can arrange and provide ongoing support and NRT for when you go home. You can opt-out if you do not wish to have any further support.

What is Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT)?

There is a wide range of effective NRT available including patches, gum, lozenges and inhalators, amongst others. These products are highly effective and will help with any cravings during your hospital stay.

These are available on all our wards and will be provided to you during your stay. The Tobacco Free Team will work with you to discuss the best NRT for your needs. On the day you leave hospital, you will be provided with two weeks’ supply of NRT to support your recovery.

After you leave hospital

Stopping smoking completely at any stage of life is the best thing you can do for your health. If you choose to stop for good, support will be available to you, even after you leave.

The Tobacco Free Team will arrange for you to continue to receive support and NRT when you go home. This may be through your community stop smoking services or through your local pharmacy. This means you will be fully supported with access to the specialist support you need for up to 12 weeks after you leave hospital.

Smoking benefits of quitting

Meet the team

  • Dr Charlie Sharp: Respiratory and Integrated Care Physician and Clinical Lead
  • Sheema Rahman: Head of Health Inequalities and Healthy Hospitals
  • Sneha Mary Thomas: Health Improvement Lead (Tackling Tobacco Dependency)
  • Michelle Sterry: Lead Midwife for Treating Tobacco Dependency
  • Debi Crebbin: Tobacco Treatment Advisor (Tackling Tobacco Dependency)
  • Becky Townsley: Specialist Midwife (Treating Tobacco Dependency)
  • Ann Booth, Amy Sturgeon and Danielle Powell-Chakkori: (Maternity Support Workers, Treating Tobacco Dependency)

Smoking in pregnancy

When you’re pregnant, your midwife will talk to you about the risks of smoking and offer you support to give up.

Smoking includes smoking cigarette, smoking shisha or chewing tobacco.

Tobacco dependency team maternity

Giving up smoking is the best thing you can do for yours and your baby’s health

  • Quitting smoking will reduce the risk of pregnancy loss, slower growth of your baby and chances of a premature birth
  • Your sense of taste and smell improve
  • You’ll breathe more easily and have more energy
  • You’ll feel less stressed
  • You’ll have more money to spend on other things

If you smoke, your midwife will check your carbon monoxide (CO) levels and refer you for support from the Gloucester specialist treating tobacco dependency team or to Healthy Lifestyles Gloucestershire.