Main number

0300 422 6818

8am - 4pm

Neurophysiology is a diagnostic speciality concerned with investigating the function of the nervous system. It involves recording and interpreting electrical signals from the brain, spinal cord and peripheral nerves to help diagnose disorders.


The following types of investigations are performed in the department:

EEG (electroencephalogram)

A recording of the electrical activity of the brain is made by placing small electrodes on the scalp with soft paste. Most of the test will be completed with the patient at rest but some activities such as deep breathing or flashing lights may be performed following discussion with the patient. There should be no discomfort for the patient and appointments last approximately one hour.

Ambulatory EEG

An EEG recorded over 24 hours or more using a small box recorder placed at the waist. Small electrodes are glued onto the scalp to enable patients to carry on with their normal daily activities.

Sleep-deprived EEG

An EEG recorded after a period of sleep deprivation. Instructions will be provided in the appointment letter. Appointments last approximately one hour.

Melatonin sleep EEG

An EEG for which children are prescribed a natural hormone to encourage sleep. Instructions will be provided in advance if this is required. Appointments last approximately an hour and a half.

Nerve Conduction Studies (NCS)

A test of how well certain nerves in the arms or legs are working. This is done by applying small electrical pulses to stimulate the nerves. This creates a tapping sensation like a beating pulse. Appointments may last from 20 to 45 minutes.

EMG (Electromyography)

A test in which very fine needle electrodes are inserted into various muscles to see how well they are working. Appointments last approximately 30 minutes.

Evoked potential tests

Tests to record how the brain responds to certain stimulation. In a visual evoked potential (VEP) test a chequer board screen is used to stimulate the visual pathway. In a somatosensory evoked potential (SSEP) test a small electrical pulse is applied at the wrist or ankle. Reponses are recorded using small electrodes on the scalp and/or the spine. Each test lasts approximately 30 minutes.

The Team


Clinical Physiologists:

  • Andrea Beale (Head of Service)
  • Billie Stevens
  • Emily Bacon
  • Gloria Fan
  • Lucy Gamble
  • Martin O’Beirne
  • Rebecca Ellis
  • Vashti Bond

Medical Secretary:

  • Maureen Douglas

How to Find Us

We are located in Outpatient Therapies.

The nearest main entrance to the department is the Atrium. On entering the main hospital entrance, pass the Volunteers Information Desk on your right. Continue down the corridor in front of you signposted Neurophysiology. Check in at the Outpatient kiosk in the waiting area, then take a seat and wait to be called.

If entering through the Therapies entrance, check in at the outpatient kiosk in the waiting area and then take a seat and wait to be called.


Referrals can be sent by post or fax. Please outline the problem, all relevant information and any specific clinical questions. An online referral system is currently in development.

Contact Details

Neurophysiology Department
Great Western Road

Telephone: 0300 422 6818

Fax: 0300 422 6816

Monday-Friday 8am–4pm

There is an answerphone service outside of these hours.